Not Enough Hours


Somehow there just don’t seem to be enough hours in a day. After snuggling with Cameron for the endless squirms and fusses until he falls asleep, doing household chore-ish things, watching Sons of Anarchy with Leif, and sleeping, I just haven’t been finding the time to blog. Maybe I should forgo sleeping.




And then there’s my latest addiction. Pinterest. If you haven’t found it, it’s this marvelous internet pinboard for collecting and sharing all the neat stuff you come across on the internet. I’ve got boards for dreaming about what to do with the house, dinner inspirations, bathroom and kitchen ideas, and best of all, craft ideas that I can do with the kids!


So I’m thinking that I need a section where I can write about the crafty adventures and culinary adventures we get up to. I’m thinking of calling it How (not) To. Because it never fails. I try to do what I see online, and don’t get it to work quite right, but still manage to pull of something pretty cool. Still, I’ve made several great dishes for dinner, a valentine’s garland for the fireplace, put glowsticks in Cameron’s bath, bath fizzies, sparkly ornaments, and many other things.


Yeah. I’ll do that blog revamp thing. In all my spare time.

Maybe I should make a board on Pinterest gathering ideas for it …

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